Friday, November 24, 2006

Water load of BS!

"It is not fair that I myself pay more for water than what a resident in Kibera slum pays,"
Water and Irrigation Permanent Secretary, Mr Mahboub Maalim launching a UN report that says residents of Nairobi slums pay five to 10 times more for water than the rich. According to the Kenya Times, Permanent Secretaries pocket a monthly salary of Kshs. 400,000 per month.
The Standard, Friday November 24, 2006

1 comment:

Mosaisi said...

It is a shame! And we are not angry enough to demand that MPs and other fat cats get a pay cut. In PA, USA, the citizens were angry at their legislators' move to hike their pay. They started PA cleansweep. Their politicians had no option but retreat. In recent elections, state senators and representatives who voted for the hike were sent home.